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  3. Express Entry Issued Record Breaking Number of Invitations


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Express Entry Issued Record Breaking Number of Invitations

これまでのところ、2021 年は複雑な感情の年でした。一方では楽観的なワクチンの展開があり、他方では新しいデルタ株への恐れがあります。進行中の経済回復、社会的対立、その他多くのことは言うまでもありません。これらの出来事が注目を集めている一方で、カナダの移民制度はいくつかの驚異的で革新的な変化を遂げています。エクスプレス エントリー (EE) は、2021 年上半期に記録的な数の候補者を招待しました。


COVID-19 のパンデミックにより、少数の移民候補のカナダへの入国が妨げられています。それにもかかわらず、カナダ移民・難民・市民権局 (IRCC) は、申請への招待状 (ITA) の発行を緩めることを拒否しています。

Federal Skilled Workers and Traders (FSW および FST) の抽選が現在保留になっているため、Canadian Experience Class (CEC) の候補者は EE の最大の受益者になりました。2021 年の開始以来、CEC の最小 CRS スコアは常に新しい最低値で移民コミュニティを驚かせてきました。さらに、スコアは、この 2 月に前例のない最低 75 ポイントを示しました。その結果、27,322 人が永住権を申請するという歴史的な偉業を達成しました。

Many have expressed their awe when EE ITAs reached 44,124 for Q1 2021. However, the statistics for Q2 witnessed another surge, for total of 44, 591 ITA was issued for Q2 alone.

So far for the first half of 2021, IRCC has issued 88,715 ITAs. This is the highest number of ITAs since EE was released in 2015.

Last year, the federal government announced several goals in its 2021-2023 Immigration Level Plan. One of the goals indicates a total intake of 189,300 new immigrations for 2021, with 108,500 skilled immigrations and 80,800 provincial nominees.

IRCC’s ITA issuance has yet to reach half of its designated cap. On the bright side, with border reopening steadily in progress, returning workers and students will spur another immigration fad for the rest of this year.


IRCC Procedural Update

On Tuesday this week, IRCC announced that all candidates who received EE ITAs on or later than June 29, 2021, must complete their applications within 60 days. Considering the prolonged delivery of required documents during the pandemic, IRCC extended the time frame from 60 to 90 days. However, now that the pandemic has passed its critical stage, IRCC has revoked the change.


5 Important Facts about EE

1. EE is online-dependent

As a crucial component of modernizing the Canadian immigration system, EE’s online system has greatly expedited application processing time. Both application submission and result announcement will be delivered electronically.

Such a revolutionary step not only eliminated excessive paper usage, but also ensured applicant’s privacy.


2. EE utilizes a points-based system

Whether one receives an ITA depends on his/her score in EE. The higher the score, the greater the chance of being invited.

The full score for EE is 1200. Nonetheless, striving for this score is unnecessary.

The system ranks candidates based on the following factors:

  • Age
  • English and/or French proficiency
  • Education level
  • Work experience in Canada
  • A positive Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

3. Management of both federal and provincial immigration programs

Although FSW, FST, and CEC constitute most of EE’s invitations, the system also processes PNP applications from all 13 provinces and territories.

4. There is no intake limit or deadline for EE

Unlike some immigration programs, there is no deadline to apply for EE. In other words, one can enter the EE draw pool at anytime.

Simultaneously, there are no caps on the number of candidates EE can accept. Regardless of the number of applications, it is the candidate’s CRS score that determines the final application outcome.

5. EE is subject to amendments and termination

EE’s introduction has optimized the Canadian immigration system. Yet, there are still reservations regarding its permanency, which is why the government conducts timely changes on the system. According to IRCC, the government will constantly improve EE to the benefit of applicants.

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