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  3. B.C. Recovery Phase 3 Ushers in Tomorrow


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B.C. Recovery Phase 3 Ushers in Tomorrow

The British Columbia Province currently juggles several events at hand: the unprecedented heatwave, an insidious COVID-19 delta strain, and vaccine rollouts. However, the most important among all, is probably the proceedings of the province’s re-opening agenda. Pertaining recovery procedures will take effect on July 1st. The prerequisites for phase 3 are: low COVID-19 case counts, low hospitalization rate, and 70% of the population over 18 receiving their first dose.

As of today, B.C.’s COVID-19 statistics are as the following:

  • Total cases: 147,578
  • Currently hospitalized: 110
  • Currently in critical care: 34
  • Deaths: 1,754
  • Recovered: 144,931

Phase three of B.C. recovery plan guarantees the following activities, with the prerequisite that participants wear mask unless they are fully vaccinated.

Criteria Public Health Guidances
Personal Gatherings •Return to usual indoor and outdoor personal gatherings
Organized Gatherings •Indoor gatherings no more than 50 people or over 50% capacity
•Outdoor gatherings no more than 5,000 people or over 50% capacity
Travelling •Recreational travel within Canada is permitted
Dining Businesses •No dining groups limits
•Limited capacity for casinos and nightclubs
Offices and Workplaces •Seminars and larger meetings allowed
Sports and Activities •Sports and exercise facilities return to normal with COVID-19 precautions

Meanwhile, quarantine exemptions are lifted for fully vaccinated Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and registered Indians. Additionally, international students may also be qualified for exemptions.

TWA cordially expects the pandemic to end in haste so we can meet our valuable clients in-person.

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